by Vanetta | Jun 8, 2019 | Cultivating Community
I came across the below image yesterday and it really spoke to me. Partly because I’m interested in attachment theory and the quote reminds me of it. And partly, as finding the quote came after a great conversation I had with a friend about the responsibility of...
by Vanetta | May 25, 2019 | Living Legacy
It’s Saturday, my favourite day of the week, the Sabbath, aka the day of rest. I am not here to start a theological discussion about why Sabbath is Saturday and not Sunday, or why it should be important to everyone, not just Jews or Seventh Day Adventists....
by Vanetta | May 11, 2019 | Living Legacy
My 3 Takeaways from Brené Brown’s Netflix show ‘The call to courage’ I am such a fan of Brené Brown – ever since I heard her TED talk on vulnerability many years ago, I’ve loved what she has to say. She inspires me to up my game so that one day more...
by Vanetta | May 4, 2019 | Finding Faith
God is as much God of the harvest as He is the Father who gives good and perfect gifts Don’t put God in a box One thing I’m learning about God is He does not like to be put into a box. The minute I think I’ve figured Him out, He shows me a completely different...
by Vanetta | Apr 27, 2019 | Modern Muse
I’d been dreaming about one day travelling to Rome for many years, but it always seemed expensive and I was secretly holding out to go there with bae.The day after my 29th birthday, I decided to stop holding my breath for invisible bae and plan my 30th birthday in...