Singleness and God

Singleness and God

Vanetta This is an excerpt from a reflection I was asked to share at church a few months ago, about my experiences with singleness. As a quick recap for those who don’t know – my 1st relationship is also by God’s grace my last relationship. I got married aged 30...
Fighting Failure / Finding anchors

Fighting Failure / Finding anchors

Fighting Failure / Finding anchors So… I’ve not so low key been battling fear and inadequacy for a few months now, primarily due to some career opportunities not panning out the way I wanted them to. But thanks to my awesome tribe (God, hubby, family, friends,...
Living between Ruth and Exodus – Part 2

Living between Ruth and Exodus – Part 2

God is as much God of the harvest as He is the Father who gives good and perfect gifts Don’t put God in a box One thing I’m learning about God is He does not like to be put into a box. The minute I think I’ve figured Him out, He shows me a completely different...
Living between Ruth and Exodus – Part 1

Living between Ruth and Exodus – Part 1

“Not everything will be a BOOM in your life V, sometimes it’s the little steps. It’s the little bangs that lead to the massive BANGS!” Between the mundane and the miraculous I don’t know about you, but God tends to do most of the profound change in my life quietly in...